What is the Meaning of: Disability | Concept and Definition of: Disability

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

An impairment is a defect, an imperfection or deficiency of a any inherent quality of something. It's a term that comes from the word latin deficientĭa.
In the case of mental disability (or mental handicap), this means less than the normal mental functioning, manifested since childhood and is associated with gave at the level of behaviour.
Today, specialists prefer to use the designation intellectual disability and prioritize concepts such as inclusion, quality of life and self-determination, so that sufferers of this disorder can develop in the best possible way.
Motor disability, is also the neural impairment that causes a dysfunction on the locomotor apparatus of the individual. Among its consequences, there is mention postural limitations, travel or coordination of movements.
People who suffer from mobility impairment may experience certain constraints such as uncontrolled movements, the difficulties of coordination, reduced strength, so to speak unintelligible and poor accessibility to the physical environment.
Growth hormone deficiency, on the other hand, is a clinical disorder caused by inadequate production of growth hormone. This kind of disorder affects about 1 in 4,000 children. Hypoglycemia and dwarfism are some of the major effects of this deficit.
Other disabilities are also known, such as the deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (an inherited genetic disorder that can cause a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (the most common enzyme deficiency in the world), iodine (which produces goiter and cretinism) and phosphofructokinase (which causes some muscular fatigue in the patient).
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