What is the Meaning of: Disclosure | Concept and Definition of: Disclosure

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From the latin divulgatĭo, disclosure is the action and the effect of disclosure (broadcast, promote or publish something to make it available to the public). Examples: "the German scientist did tireless work for the disclosure of this discovery", "we have a good product, but we have failed with regard to the disclosure", "president is furious because of the disclosure of the issues raised during his last meeting with the Ministers."
Disclosure, therefore, can be associated with the work of the press and social communication. What the media publish or broadcast, it's disclosure, because these contents are accessible to society. Thus, when a company wants to promote a new, she appealed to the press so that it is the vehicle that brings the news to the people.
Disclosure (or extension) means scientific activity which consists to treat and disseminate scientific knowledge in a manner accessible to the general public and for educational purposes. This activity is usually carried out by the scientists or specialized journalists who have great knowledge of the subject in question and which are making efforts to translate the scientific language to a more familiar language.
Scientific popularization can occur in any format, such as a magazine, a television show or a Web site. Some television channels are specialized in this theme, as Discovery Channel. Among the most famous personalities who themselves are devoted to science, there is mention Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking.
In some cases, scientific disclosure loses its value when what is disclose/distribute, these are false or misleading information.
Translated for educational purposes
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may be imprecise and inaccurate.