What is the Meaning of: Earth | Concept and Definition of:

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
The term land, which is of Latin origin (terra), contains several uses and meaning. It means, for example, the friable material comprising the natural soil; the land for cultivation; the floor (parterre).
Similarly, Earth is synonym of nation, country, region, or territory: "We celebrated Christmas in the homeland of my husband", "people of this earth are warm and supportive".
When one writes this word with a capital letter at the beginning, it is that it refers to the planet where we live. It is the only planet where, for the moment, it is possible to live.
The Earth is 150 million kilometres from the Sun and is the fifth largest planet of the solar system. It exists since about 4.570 million years and has only a single natural satellite: the moon.
Equipped with a geoide (sphere flattened by the poles) form, the Earth has a diameter of 12,700 kilometres and 71% of its surface is covered by water. Specialists have designed two models regarding the internal structure of the planet: the overburden and the geodynamic model.
The geostatistical model consists of three layers: crust (the more superficial layer formed by granite of continents and ocean basins basalt), mantle (the layer of the medium, whose depth reaches 2,900 kilometers) and the kernel (the deepest layer or even internal, with a thickness of 3, 475meters kilometers).
The geodynamic model, in turn, provides the lithosphere (the more superficial part), the asthenosphere (which behaves smoothly), mesosphere (also called the inner mantle), layer D (a zone of transition located at the core/mantle interface) and endosphere (it corresponds to the core of the geostatistical model).
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.