What is the Meaning of: Environmental hygiene | Concept and Definition of: Environmental hygiene

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
Hygiene is a term relating to the cleaning and cleanliness. In the case of environmental hygiene, the concept is associated with preservation of sanitary conditions of the environment to avoid harm the health of persons.
That said, the environmental health means to be attentive to the factors chemical, physical and biological external to the person. Because it comes to factors which may have a significant impact on health, the purpose of the environmental hygiene is to prevent diseases by creating safe spaces.
Means environmental medicine the field which focuses and ensures agents which are at the origin of diseases having been introduced into the environment by human activity. Environmental hygiene is to take care of both health of current generations and those to come.
Environmental hygiene includes, in general, activities of disinfection (to control the bacteria and organisms which are harmful to health), fumigation, disinfestation and rodent control.
If ever someone pollute the street with toxic waste (spitting or vomiting, for example), the State is responsible for the respective cleaning using companies in environmental hygiene. It is a way to avoid that children and those who go through the same street fall ill due to being exposed to such waste.
Eliminate rats in a public service is another example of environmental protection. These animals can cause several diseases in humans human. Usually, in the presence of rats, the area in question is removed (people must leave it on an interim basis) in order to let the experts do their work.
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