What is the Meaning of: EPIC | Concept and Definition of: EPIC

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The epic adjective, from the latin epĭcus, describes what belongs or is relative to the epic or heroic poetry. This this poetic genre of the legendary or fictional facts which unfold in a time and a space given.
In other words, the epic can be based on true or made-up events. The epic poets alternate narrative (at the time) and the description. The texts may develop in prose or hexameter, the Narrator being present or absent.
EPIC registry presents a sizeable extension insofar as it includes elements of other genres (such as drama or lyric poetry). It is for this reason that he presents in the form of chapters or similar divisions.
There are several sub-genres in epic poetry. The epics have the exploits of an archetypal hero who represents the collective values of a nation. The chanson de geste (having less than the epic fantasy elements), the novel sequence, the picaresque novel, the romance, the myth, the traditional tale, ride and the legend may also include epic registry-specific elements.
The hero epic is in principle a warrior capable of overcoming any kind of obstacle to achieve its ends. Its characterisation made him a being of great strength physical, intelligent and noble.
The major characteristics of epic poetry are prevalent in the literary genre. In everyday language, means epic what is picturesque and even extraordinary. For example: "during an epic encounter, blues team has managed to recover the three goals of disadvantage and ended up defeating the match until the very last minute.
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