What is the Meaning of: Fable | Concept and Definition of: Fable

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
The word fable comes from the word latin fabŭla. As mentioned in the dictionary Larousse online, it is a short fictional narrative, prose or poem, whose purpose is didactic, often expressed as a final character. In the fables, people, animals and other animate beings or inanimate can intervene.
On the other hand, a fable is each of the accounts belonging to the mythology of the past, about any false, allegation invented from scratch (rumors, etc.). This concept is also used to describe any false relationship, misleading and unfounded and misleading fiction that hides a truth.
As a literary genre, the fables are short allegorical compositions where you pull a morality to informative character. Fables are different from the pieces where they are more general.
Fables have their origin in Greco-Roman antiquity at the time where the pedagogues slaves used them to teach driving (behavior) ethics to the children that they are educated. Their morals were based on the moral of paganism, which was based on the premise that it was impossible to change the natural condition of things. On the other hand, with Christianity, fables come to disseminate the possibility of a change in human nature, with an included moral judgment.
Around the 19th century, the fable has become one of the most popular literary genres, with a deepening of the themes and the publication of several specialized collections.
The term fable is also used in the expression "be the fable of», which means someone who tends to have fun and laugh others, in other words, this person is the laughing stock of his group ("Ludovic is the fable of the district').
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