What is the Meaning of: Fantasy | Concept and Definition of: Fantasy

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From the latin phantasĭa (which, in turn, comes from a Greek word), fantasy is the human faculty that allows to reproduce, through mental images, things past or represent events which do not belong to the framework of reality. These events may be possible (for example, dreaming to go to the beach next summer) or impractical (to walk in the middle of dinosaurs or discuss with a dog).
Fantasy can be also seen as the top level of the imagination or spiritual thought. These thoughts can be expressed through artistic works, such as stories, novels or films.
The fantasy genre is one that is imaginary and supernatural elements in his argument. It is a kind that violates the rules of reality, with talking animals, monsters, immortal people and beings who travel in time.
Science fiction, called also literature of anticipation, is a genus that emerges through the combination of fantasy (which does not exist for real) and science. It provides for situations that did not take place (unreal, so), but that could occur with advances in scientific knowledge.
The concept of fantasy can be linked to the sexual game. As such, a fantasy (synonym of fantasy) is what a person would like to do when having sexual intercourse.
Finally, in classical music, the fantasy is an instrumental piece which is not subject to pre-established formal rules. Unlike the strict musical forms, fantasy does not really organize the themes. It makes rather succeed. The heyday of fantasy is the 19th century, the privileged being piano and its historic setting romantic instrument.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.