What is the Meaning of: Geographical space | Concept and Definition of: Geographical space

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From latin spatĭum, the space is a term with many meanings. This is the extension that contains the existing material, occupied by a sensitive object or the ability of a land or a place.
Geographic, on the other hand, comes from geographĭcus and refers to what belongs or which is related to geography (science that focuses on the description of the land).
The concept of geographical space is thus used by geography to designate space organized by a company. This is an area in which human groups coexist and interact with the environment.
The geographical area is a social construction that can be studied in its various manifestations (such as the natural landscape, the urban landscape, the industrial landscape, etc.).
The french geographer Jean Tricart (1920-2003) has defined the geographic area as «the epidermis of the Earth», which can be analyzed on the basis of its space system (location) or its environmental system (ecology).
It is important to note that any geographical space is the result of history and the product of men's work since every company has its own way to organize and leaves its traces in the landscape. Geographical space, therefore, depends on the historical process.
In some places, one can observe an overlay of geographical spaces, with remains dating from prehistory and various brands having been generated throughout history.
The geographical area controlled under an administrative order takes the designation of territory and can be composed of different entities, such as municipalities, counties, provinces or regions.
Translated for educational purposes
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may be imprecise and inaccurate.