What is the Meaning of: Gymnastics | Concept and Definition of: Gymnastics

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From the latin gymnasĭa, gymnastics is the discipline that aims to develop, strengthen and give flexibility and flexibility to the body through physical exercise routines. These exercises can be conducted for purposes of competition, such as sport or leisure.
The International Federation of gymnastics (FIG) is the organization responsible for setting the sport of gymnastics. This association recognizes six disciplines, namely: General, artistic, aerobics, acrobatics, rhythmic and trampoline.
General gymnastics is carried out in groups of six persons and is to run synchronized choreography. Gymnastics includes the body to the sound of music expression, while the aerobic gymnastics includes movements of greater intensity.
Acrobatic gymnastics is a collective discipline to which devices; rhythmic gymnastics exists only in the feminine mode and also need support (like the ball or hoop) devices. Then, the gymnastics trampoline, as its name suggests, is performed on a platform on which we jump.
In addition to the sporting side, gymnastics means any physical activity performed by a person. Jump rope, making walking foot (or a trekking) or the abdominal muscles can be considered, in a general way, the same thing that "do gymnastics. Physical exercise is recommended to improve the quality of life, to the extent that not only it is good health and the feeling of well-being, but also to improve the fitness of the person.
Finally, gymnastics is the practice or exercise done in any kind of activity. For example: "I have five children, I do lots of gymnastics just to dress them up, give them breakfast and take them to school every morning before going to work.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.