What is the Meaning of: Impulse | Concept and Definition of: Impulse

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.
In psychoanalysis, the impulse is the deep psychic energy who runs the action for a given purpose and who unloads are reaching. The concept refers to something dynamic that is influenced by the experience of the individual. It is what differentiates the impulse of instinct, which is congenital (inherited through genetics).
The instinct features non-rational animals with fixed objects for their satisfaction. The drive, however, has no predetermined object. Urges, therefore, are linked to from forces of somatic tension of human beings with different sources and ways to manifest itself.
The concept of impulse was developed by the Austrian Sigmund Freud, at the end of the 19th century when it started to reflect on human behavior that go beyond the instinct and can even contradict him.
Thus, Freud established that the impulse is the body voltage which tends to different objects and that is unloaded by accessing the same, although temporarily, given that the drive is never completely satisfied.
The father of psychoanalysis distinguishes different moments of the drive as the source (origin residing in the somatic), effort or drang (the voltage which translates into impulse), the target (as the passive or active) and the object (which temporarily reduces the voltage).
For some psychoanalysts impulses occur the initial absence of an instinctive object. Because of this lack, the desire translates into impulses that target momentary goals. Once reached this time, the drive restarts the process.