What is the Meaning of: Interval | Concept and Definition of: Interval

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Meantime, Latin intervallum, refers to the distance or space from one location to another or from one moment to another. Examples: "between the two meetings, I have an interval of two hours I'll enjoy to visit my uncle", "I'll see the use of time to the doctor to see if there is a gap to be able to take you," ' on this road, there is a station of service over a range of 50 km each», «animals often appear at intervals of a few meters.
In the field of music, the interval is the difference in height between the sounds of two notes. The musical interval can be measured in degrees or grades and speak in a simple arithmetical proportion. There are different types of musical intervals: tonal, modal, augmented, diminished, fair, minor, major, solfegiques, among others. Each type depends on the specific characteristics of the sounds in question.
An interval can also be a set of values taken into account for a quantity between two limits. In this sense, it is necessary to mention the interval (or range) frequency or temperature interval.
At the theatre, the interval is a period of time during which the play stops temporarily. These breaks often occur during long-term parts so that viewers can take the opportunity to go to the bathroom, buy something to eat or drink, etc. "I hope that the interval does not take long too: I'm very thirsty and I want to go to the toilet", "the intensity of the work falls after the interval", "I got bored during the interval. which lasted more than half an hour. »
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