What is the Meaning of: Newspaper library | Concept and Definition of: Newspaper library

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

A newspaper is a library specializing in newspapers and other daily publications. It's a place (a specific room or area determined within a national library) where the collections of newspapers and bulletins are kept.
The hemerotheques can classify their content by theme, country of origin or date, for example. Many printed resources have their own hemerotheques, which function as archives where all publications are stored. On some occasions, these hemerotheques are open to the general public while, in other cases, access is reserved exclusively to employees of the company or researchers.
Internet changed the operation of the hemerotheques. On the one hand, many hemerotheques have digitized their funds so they can be viewed remotely on the Web. On the other hand, there are hemerotheques who, even if they have not digitized their archives, they have developed databases so that the person concerned can consult the catalogue before heading out to the area in question. A researcher, for example, can connect on the site of a newspaper and find all the publications that contain the phrase "American history of the 16th century". Once the data is analyzed, it gets five results of his interest. It then simply note the location or code of said publications in order to make access to the simplest hardware at the time where he will attend the newspaper.
Among the virtual hemerotheques, it is worth mentioning La Documentation française. It puts at the disposal of citizens the digital editions of many scientific and cultural journals (newspapers, periodicals and newsletters) issues of many thematic areas which can be accessed from the search engine or directly in the appropriate subject headings.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.