What is the Meaning of: Output device | Concept and Definition of: Output device

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.
A device, from the latin disposĭtus ("has"), is a machine or a system that responds to certain actions, it is-to-say, who "has" to develop certain actions.
Output, on the other hand, is the action and the effect of exit. This verb means leave a place and go to another, move from the inside to the outside or get rid of any embarrassment.
These definitions help to understand the concept of output devices, a concept that is used in computer science. The first thing to mention is that the entry / exit concerning the interfaces used by the units of an information system to establish communication: admission is the signal received by the unit while the output is the signal sent.
An output device, therefore, it is a signal for the information. In this regard, there is reason to quote the printer (which receives information from a computer and producing a print on paper), monitor (it displays the data on the screen), helmet (it emits sounds so that they can be heard by a person) and speakers (it reproduces sounds outward).
Examples: 'my computer has several output devices because I need to have information in various formats,' 'For me, the printer is not an essential output feature, given that I work in network and that I did not need to print the data', 'useless to have a computer without output devices.
It is noted that some devices perform both the two operations (input and output), such as a network adapter or a modem.