What is the Meaning of: Realism | Concept and Definition of: Realism

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Realism is the way to present or consider things such as they are. A realistic posture not exaggerating events and does not diminish them either. For example: "see the situation with realism: the patient's life is in danger, but we will absolutely do everything to save" is a phrase that refers to the State of health of a person. Given the certificate of the seriousness, such expressions 'has nothing, he will be able to go home in a few days' (it minimizes the severity) or "it's too late, we can do nothing more for him" (it overstates the reality) are not realistic.
Similarly, the realism is a philosophical doctrine which asserts the objective existence of universal concepts. For modern philosophy, realism is a doctrine which defends that anything perceived by the senses has an independent existence of the thing perceived.
In the context of art, realism is the aesthetic system that is intended to be a faithful reproduction of nature. It is appropriate to mention the pictorial realism (which is intended to express the reality on the tables) and literary realism (which the texts provide a testimony on the time).
Magic realism, on the other hand, is a literary movement that appeared in South America towards the middle of the 20th century, characterized by the introduction of fantastic elements in the middle of a novel or realist narrative. The Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez is one of the precursors of magic realism.
Realism, finally, is any opinion or doctrine favorable to the monarchy (with the Kings): "during the colonial era, realism forces confronted to the independence movements of Latin
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