What is the Meaning of Rebellion | Concept and Definition of Rebellion

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From the latin rebellĭo, rebellion is the action and the effect to rebel. This verb, in turn, is associated with making resistance, revolt or the obedience due to miss.
Examples: "rebellion in the Middle East has generated millionaires revenue losses in the tourism sector", "a young eighteen year old man is designated as the leader of the rebellion", "the president said he would use the military power under his command to end the rebellion."
The rebellion is thus the refusal to obey an authority which may range from civil disobedience to the armed resistance. The term is used as a synonym for sedition, mutiny or revolt even if each of these words has its own peculiarities.
In general, we can say that a revolt is impaired or even a riot while the rebellion is an offence against public order. With regard to sedition, it is a collective uprising against the authority or military discipline, but whose gravity is not as important as the rebellion.
Those who are part of a rebellion are considered rebels. A person who refuses to pay taxes, accusing the Government of wasting the funds, a group of workers who decide to invade a plant and appropriating, an army that does not follow the orders of superiors and citizens who take to the streets to demand the resignation of a president can be considered as protagonists of a rebellion.
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