What is the Meaning of: Social action | Concept and Definition of: Social action

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

The social concept of action belongs to the universe of Sociology is the science devoted to the study of social groups. In the broad sense of the term, social action is any action affecting the conduct of others. The sociologist Max Weber has contemplated four types of social action: the traditional (associated with customs), the affective (linked to emotions), the rational in accordance with values (guided by a moral standard) and which has the purpose to obtain a rational purpose.
In addition to this definition, means also all social action programmes and aid which, in general, are complementary to the assistance benefits that brings the State, although there are also state social action.
In this sense, social action has for primary objective to meet basic needs that a group of the population, for whatever reason, is not able to meet. However, the social action may be intended to promote education or to distribute food, for example.
On the other hand, social action takes place at specific times, natural disasters or emergency situations. A region hit by drought, for example, may be social action recipient from the rest of the country. It goes same for a nation which is located in middle of the war to which neighbouring countries can help to support the civilians affected by the conflict.
In other words, this kind of action is intended to transform the State of things in order to achieve another State with a better quality of life. Social action seeks the common good and does not seek to satisfy personal interests.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.