What is the Meaning of: Social Sciences | Concept and Definition of: Social Sciences

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Social sciences bring together all science subjects whose study is related to the activities and behaviour of human beings human. Social sciences therefore analyse manifestations of society, as well physical as symbolic.
We can say that these sciences study and are interested in what does not belong to natural sciences. People have consciousness and the ability to develop representations abstract having an impact on their behavior. That said, social interaction is governed by many rules and potential standards; natural sciences, on the other hand, work with factual objects and employ the scientific method with greater rigour. Social science, in general, can not advocate universal laws.
Social science can be divided into those that are devoted to the study of the evolution of societies (archaeology, history, demography), to social interaction (economy, sociology, anthropology) or the system cognitive (psychology, language). It is also worth mentioning the applied social sciences (law, pedagogy) and other social sciences in the generic group of Humanities (political science, philosophy, semiotics, communication sciences).
It should be noted that social science can study the intentions declared and aware of the people, but also the behavior observed.
The anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, the philosopher and political scientist Antonio Gramsci, the philosopher Michel Foucault, Economist and philosopher Adam Smith, the economist John Maynard Keynes, the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, the sociologist Émile Durkheim, political scientist and sociologist Max Weber and the philosopher, sociologist and Economist Karl Marx are some of the main social the last centuries scientists.
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