What is the Meaning of: Supreme resolution | Concept and Definition of: Supreme resolution

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From latin resolutĭo, the word resolution is linked to action and the effect to resolve or resolve (the solution of a problem, take a decision). The concept is used to evoke the judgment or decree of any authority, as an administrative or judicial decision.
The supreme adjective, on the other hand, refers to what is not superior in his line. In this sense, the Supreme Court is the principal organ of Justice of a country.
These two definitions make it possible to understand the concept of supreme resolution, which is the decision of the highest authority on the subject. The concept can be associated with certain types of orders, depending on the country.
Examples: "the Ministry of Finance issued a supreme resolution, which provides that no entrepreneur can set prices higher than the maximum price arranged by the Government", 'We are working to create a supreme resolution to resolve this issue', "workers have accused the authorities of not respecting the requirements of the supreme resolution signed by the president.
Peru, for example, is one of the countries which provide for the issuance of Supreme resolutions. Supreme resolution 10-2009, for example, concerning historical forgiveness of the State to the people of afro Peruvian and directs the development of public policies for Afro-descendants.
Another example of supreme resolution of the Peru took place in December 2010, when president Alan García Pérez approved the consolidation of the improvements made by the entities of the Executive power between September and December of the year in question.
Translated for educational purposes
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may be imprecise and inaccurate.