What is the Meaning of: Surplus | Concept and Definition of: Surplus

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Surplus is a latin word which comes from excedere and means "exceed" or "exceed". The concept is common in the field of Economics and finance when it comes of assets or revenue exceeding the limit compared to the obligations or debts in cash.
The economic surplus arises from the difference between money that fit and one that comes out during a given period. If the difference is positive (i.e., when revenues exceed in value the amount of expenditure), refers to excess. On the other hand, if there is more spending money cashed, there then case a situation of deficit.
Concerning the national economy, the surplus occurs when the State money from taxes, deductions at source, public enterprises, etc. is surplus over expenditure related to public services and personnel costs. The existence of a surplus may be the result of proper governmental management or the absence of social investments.
Marxist theory also involves the concept of surplus value, surplus. It is the excess of the value of a work which capitalizes it appropriates. In other words, the Marxist surplus corresponds to the value that a worker produces over the value of its work force, as thus the basis of capitalist accumulation.
This excess can be increasing or extending working hours either by increasing the productive force of labour (the goal being to produce more on the same period or the same thing but in less time).
Finally, excess is the abundance of something necessary. For example: "this team has a surplus of players in the position of striker.
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