What is the Meaning of: Synthesis | Concept and Definition of: Synthesis

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
Synthesis is a term that comes from the latin synthĕsis and the oldest origin lies in a Greek word. The concept refers to the composition of the whole by the meeting of the parties.
In other words, the synthesis is the composition of a set since its elements separated in a screening process. A thesis is a judgment or a statement; his expression contrary or opposite is the antithesis. The synthesis is any proposal collecting and combining the foregoing (both).
Similarly, the concept of synthesis is used similarly to the word summary, insofar as it can be the compendium of material or any other thing. The synthesis of a book, for example, expresses its major ideas. On the other hand, the summary is reduced and summarized all content presentation: 'I have to present a synthesis of my book to the Publisher.
Chemical synthesis, on the other hand, is the process of obtaining a component from other simpler substances. Its goal is to produce new substances from other already existing.
Means organic synthesis development planned molecules through chemical reactions. This field of action is common in the development of food, medicines and dyes.
Biosynthesis is a synonym of anabolism, i.e., the part of metabolism to the synthesis of complex organic molecules from other simpler. This process requires energy.
Then, the synthesis of proteins is the anabolic process that derives the formation of proteins.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.