What is the Meaning of: Tax system | Concept and Definition of: Tax system

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

From latin regĭmen, the regime is the political and social system that governs a certain region and all of the rules that govern a thing or activity. The concept also refers to the historical formation of an era (polity).
Tax, meanwhile, is an adjective that relates to the tax authorities. This term (SCIF) is linked to the public Treasury or public agencies engaged in the collection of taxes and fees.
The tax system is the set of rules and institutions that govern the tax status of a natural or legal person. It comes, therefore, to all the rights and obligations arising from the development of certain economic activities.
The tax system acts as a Pathfinder/guide concerning the settlement and payment of taxes. At the time to develop an economic activity, people need to enroll in a class in order to meet the obligations of the fisc. usually, there are various options, i.e., different tax to choose according to the characteristics of its business or case.
The tax legislation of each country determines the conditions of tax regimes. The amount to pay, deadlines, declarations and everything concerning taxes depend on the rules in force in the different jurisdictions which may also change over time.
It is possible to change tax regime if economic activity develops differently than what was expected or if the obligations of the framework are more adjusted to the reality.
Translated for educational purposes
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may be imprecise and inaccurate.