What is the Meaning of: Theme | Concept and Definition of: Theme

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Pulling its origin from latin thema, the theme word accepts several meanings and usages. The Larousse dictionary online, for example, provides seven.
A theme may be what is considered the subject of a book (or a book) or on which is a speech. For example: 'In her latest novel, the Mexican author approach on the subject of abandoned children', 'conference will focus on the theme of restrictions to imports', ' what will be the theme of your next essay?
As a synonym for version, a theme is a text which is translated from its own language in a foreign language. In this context, the term translation (text translated from a foreign language in his mother tongue) is antonym of theme. On the other hand, the Word theme may be synonym of song or musical composition: the theme that I prefer the Beatles is Hey Jude", «I'll make you listen to the theme that my wife loves», «I composed a new theme. You want the plays for you? ».
For Linguistics, the theme is the fragment of a word which remains invariable in declination. It belongs to the last letter of the theme, either a vowel or a consonant, to establish what is the paradigm of bending where enrolled the verb or noun. We will retain that, when a language evolves, some changes are possible at the level of the phonology, thereby changing the theme.
Finally, in astrology, the horoscope is the aspect of the sky (also called "sky map") during the birth of an individual.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.