What is the Meaning of: Thermodynamics | Concept and Definition of: Thermodynamics

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics devoted to the study of relations between heat and other forms of energy. That said, it analyses the effects of changes in temperature, pressure, density, mass, and volume within the systems at the macroscopic level.
The basis of thermodynamics is everything concerning the movement of energy, able to inculcate something of the movement in the body. After the first principle of thermodynamics, also known as the principle of conservation of energy, if a system exchanges heat with one another, its own internal energy change it also. The heat, in this sense, is the energy that a system must swap to compensate for the differences between the work and the internal energy.
The second law of thermodynamics (or Carnot's principle) is many restrictions for the transfer of energy that could hypothetically take place taking into account the first principle. The second law regulates the direction under which take place the thermodynamic processes and imposes impossible to unfold in reverse. It is worth mentioning that this second principle is based on entropy, a physical quantity to measure the portion of energy that cannot be used to produce work.
Finally, the third law of thermodynamics says that it is impossible to reach a temperature which is equal to absolute zero using a finite number of physical processes.
Among the thermodynamic processes, we will retain the isothermiques (the temperature will not change), the Isochoric (the volume does not change), isobaric los (pressure does not change) and the adiabatic (there's no heat exchanges).
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