What is the Meaning of: Tongue twister | Concept and Definition of: Tongue twister

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

A tongue twister (also called fork-language) is a phrase or a sequence of difficult to pronounce words (which tend to 'tweak', so to speak, the language of one who tries to speak). It is a kind of game of words or exercise that is useful to achieve a more agile pronunciation/diction.
The Twister is suites of words that make the pronunciation aloud complicated or even pronounceable in relation to the joint. The combination of similar phenomena creating rhymes or the alliteration is the most usual way to build a tongue twister.
All languages have their own tongue twisters, generally part of popular literature and oral histories. In most cases, they are transmitted from generation to generation, their main receiving public just being children.
Sometimes, a tongue twister may present variations according to the geographical area (region or country): 'If six saws saw six cypresses, how scient six hundred and six saws?' can say "If six saws saw six cypresses, then six hundred and six saws scieront six hundred and six Cypress" or even "if six hundred saws saw six cents Cyprès, six hundred cypresses will be sawn.
The Twister can include words that don't exist but we can understand through the context: "If linoleum is delinoleumait, how the relinoleumerait - on? ''
Pleasant and playful at the same time, the challenge is to pronounce a tongue twister is safe, with a speech clear and as quickly as possible. More you talk fast, more tends to be wrong to distort the phrase in question (in saying nonsense, for example) and make it unintelligible.
Guessing games, charades, the choruses of some songs and jokes often include a tongue twister in oral literature devoted to youth. On the other hand, their appearance in the books is less common.
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