What is the Meaning of: Utopia | Concept and Definition of: Utopia

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
The concept of utopia was proposed for the first time by Thomas More. The word derives from two Greek neologisms: outopia (formed by or -'none' - and topos-'place', that is, "Nowhere") and eutopia (had means ' good/well').
More gave the name "Utopia" to the book he wrote in latin around 1516. According to several historians, writer and English humanist (proclaimed saint by the Catholic Church in 1935) would have been impressed by stories that recounted the Americo Vespucio Explorer on the Brazilian archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, discovered by Europeans in the year 1503. It is at this moment there More decided to write about a new and pure place which, according to him, would be the ideal place to live in a perfect society.
More utopian society was organized in a rational way. All citizens lived in identical houses and the ownership of property was community. Residents spent their free time reading and art, and did not set do their military service only in extreme situations. That said, this company lived in peace and perfect harmony of interests.
The current sense of the word utopia is rather a plan, a project, a doctrine or an optimistic system which seems impractical at the time of its formulation.
One can speak of economic utopia, where often it is proposed to abolish the existence of money and where citizens would do nothing else except concentrate activities which would please them really targeted to the common good. There are other utopias, namely nuns (as the popular on Paradise manifestation), environmentalists and policy (who dream of world peace).
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.