What is the Meaning of: Verb | Concept and Definition of: Verb

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Tense is a grammatical class of words may vary in person, number, time, mode and voice. Pulling its origins in the latin word verbum, the verb is the part of the sentence that expresses the existence, the action or the State that carries out the subject. It is the nucleus of the sentence which can form the subject and the predicate.
The verb agrees in gender, in person and number with some of its add-ins. Concerning the French language, it accords with the subject (or the name) to which it relates in number, in person, and sometimes in kind (in the case of the past participle).
Languages where the verbs take are called inflectional. Each determines a type of conjugation that is clean, making sure its linguistic system that is different from any other language.
In french, in addition to the auxiliary "be" and "to have", defective verbs and impersonal verbs, most verbs are classified according to three groups: Group 1 (ending in "er"), the 2nd group (all verbs ending with "ir", and "ing" to the past participle) and the 3rd Group (the verbs ending with "ir" not provided for the 2nd group, as well as the verbs that end in 'RIAs' and 'IR').
There are many types of verbs: transitive verbs are those which are accompanied by an additional object (direct or indirect); intransitive verbs, that is, those which are not accompanied by further object; irregular verbs, conjugation is particular depending on the group to which they belong and time; regular verbs, that is, those always combine in the same way, following the rules of time and mode. And this, to name a few.
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