What is the Meaning of: Vision | Concept and Definition of: Vision

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Pulling its origin in the latin term visĭo, vision refers to the sense that can detect light and interpret it (i.e., see). The vision, alone, is a capacity of man and animals, because they have a Visual system. In the case of certain machines, one speaks of artificial vision.
The Visual system has several functions to make the possible vision. In principle, it is intended to form the optical image of the Visual stimulus in the retina through the cornea and the crystalline lens of the eye. This part of the Visual process is part of the optical system.
Furthermore, the retinal cells make up the sensory system of the eye. This is where photoreceptors, which capture the light that falls on them. There are two types of photoreceptors: cones and sticks.
Other cells of the retina are also involved at this stage of the process, which are responsible for transforming light into electrochemical impulses and transporting them to the optic nerve. It is there that they intend on many regions, such as the lateral water nucleus and the visual cortex of the brain.
Then, the process of reconstruction of distances, colors, movements and shapes of objects take place in the brain.
The Larousse dictionary online provides many uses for the concept of vision: immediate and direct contemplation without sensitive perception; the particular point of view on a theme or topic; the creation of fantasy or imagination, which is not real but which is taken as true; and the image that supernatural way, is perceived by the sense of vision or imaginative representation.
Finally, there is place to highlight the entrepreneurial vision, which belongs to the planning of a business process.
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.