What is the Meaning of: Weight | Concept and Definition of: Weight

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
The word weight comes from the term latin pensum (weigh) and contains several uses. This term may refer, for example, the force at which the Earth attracts a body and the magnitude of this force.
In a similar sense, a weight is a heavy object that allows to balance a load or a balance. In athletics, the weight is a round gear quite heavy metal that is launched with one hand taking its momentum. The test with this gear has the same name.
It is important to distinguish between weight and mass, which is the amount of substance of a body. This means that the mass depends neither gravitational nor the position of the body in space. The kilogram is the unit of mass in the International system of units. On the other hand, the weight is measured in newton.
The concept of weight can acquire a moral sense or abstract. You can use the term weight to designate the importance that it attached to something, the strength of the non-material things, the prestige of a person and the influence it exerts on others responsibility belonging to someone, which is hard to bear the pain, and worries that it is for something: 'your words have no weight for me. " "Regrets are a real weight in my life", "Jeanne has not yet managed to surpass the weight of the death of her fiance.
Then, in metrology, the weight is a solid whose purpose is to measure the mass and the marked with its nominal weight.
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