Definition of nation

The word nation derives from the latin nātio, which in turn derives from nāscor ("born"). This latin term means 'birth', 'people', 'species' or 'class', among other acceptances. The concept of nation, nowadays, includes two performances: the political nation, which refers to the legal and political framework and the sovereignty that is a State, and the cultural nation, which is a more subjective socio-ideologique concept and that relates to a human community with certain common cultural features. Anyway, in everyday language, the word nation is used as a synonym for country, land, people and State, for example.
The cultural concept of a nation indicates that its members have the consciousness that they are ethical and political body different from the others, because they share certain characteristics (ethnic origin, language, religion, tradition or common history).
When a State identifies itself explicitly as a shelter of a certain cultural nation, one speaks of the existence of a nation State. There are States which, despite the hassles and stresses that contains this definition, are trying to legitimize this way.
Similarly, certain cultural nations try to set only for reasons of ethnicity or race, which generates the fact exist of many nations without territory, the image of the Gypsy nation, which proves that not all cultural nations constitute a State independent and that neither all independent States are cultural nations. Even, there are Nations who, over the years, succeeded to form their own State, as for what happened to the Jewish people, which has been a cultural nation without own State until the year 1948.