Definition of population

The concept of population comes from the term latin populatĭo. In its most common usage, refers to all persons living on the Earth or any geographical division thereof. It can also denote the set of buildings and spaces of a city and the action report / effect of people. In ecology, population is a set of individuals of the same species occupying the same geographic area. In sociology, on the other hand, it's a set of things or individuals subject to a statistical assessment through a survey
It is appropriate to mention that the study of populations is governed, in principle, by the laws of probability the findings of these studies can therefore not be applicable to some people. The branch that studies human populations is demography.
There are different theories that explain the growth of the human population in several countries of the world. One side, the biological theory indicates that the man is as any other living being and can not control its growth in numbers.
Cultural theory, in turn, considers man as a rational being who uses various criteria to control population growth (for example, the policy Chinese by allowing only one child per family).
Lastly, economic theory based on the Marxist assumptions noted that the development of the population is a result of demand for labour.
The most densely populated countries (measurement of population per unit area) are small States such as Monaco, Singapore, Vatican and Malta.