Definition of reptiles

A reptile is a warm-blooded animal that either has no legs or very short legs, and which touches the ground with her belly when it moves. These are animals that can be oviparous or ovoviviparous and exhibit a variable temperature.
The reptile skin covered with scales of keratin, a protein substance that is rich in sulphur. In other words, the reptiles can live in fairly dry habitats, such as deserts.

These vertebrae have a pulmonary respiratory and communicate with each other in several ways, either by the emission of sounds, visually or through pheromones.

Reptiles are one of the evolutionary branches of the amniotes. They appeared during the Carboniferous from the tetrapods, the clade of vertebrates at four ends.

Big lizards are part of a broader suborder of reptiles, which includes small lizards, iguanas and chameleons, among other animals. It is estimated that, today, there are about 5,000 species of lizards.

Snakes (or ophidians) are an another suborder of reptiles, characterized by the absence of extremities (legs) and their long bodies. Some snake species have poisonous bites.

We will also mention the turtles (or chelonians), which are equipped with a carapace to protect their internal organs. Turtles don't have teeth: their mandibular/maxillary is with a bone plate similar to that of birds.