Definition of nutrition

Nutrition refers to the action and the effect of feed. This verb means increase the substance of the animal body or plant through the food. Similarly, it means someone needs, maintain something, feed it (a dream, project, etc.). For medicine, on the other hand, nutrition is the preparation of assets which, duly mixed, increase the properties of a product (a nourishing cream for the face, for example) and make it more effective.
Ultimately, nutrition is the biological process through which organizations equate food and fluids necessary for the operation, maintenance and development of its vital functions. BY other hand, nutrition means also the study of the relationship between food and health.
Often, the nutrition and food terms are used as synonyms. However, nutrition means nutrients foods are composed and includes a whole range of involuntary phenomena that occur following the ingestion of food.
In turn, food means all acts voluntary and conscious choice, preparation and ingestion of food. These phenomena are related to the socio-cultural and economic environment.
According to experts, it y mention two types of nutrition for human beings alive. One hand, autotrophic nutrition is one that produces its own food. Humans autotrophic have the ability to synthesize substances tell to their metabolism from inorganic substances.
On the other hand, heterotrophic nutrition needs of other agencies to survive. Heterotrophic organisms must feed organic substances synthesized by other organizations.