What is the Meaning & Definition of HIV

The acronym HIV is the simplified form with which you can also call the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which is the virus that causes the AIDS disease known. The mentioned virus was discovered by doctor Luc Montagnier in 1983.
Worth mentioning does not mean the same thing being infected by HIV who have AIDS. Those who are infected with HIV are living with HIV and newly developed a picture of AIDS when cells that attack the virus descend below a certain number.
Recurrent forms through which a person can become infected or HIV is through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Why it is that HIV-positive people should have extreme care not to exchange contact or fluid of the type mentioned because at some risk of getting many people and thus spread the virus. The use of condoms during sexual intercourse, do not share syringes with infected, among other recommendations to reduce the chances of contagion and are the best ways to prevent HIV.
Kissing, hugging, sharing a glass, shake hands with infected persons do not constitute any risk and it is important that this is also disseminated to not contribute to the disproportionate discrimination faced by many infected people. With education and responsibility, it is possible to prevent virus and also help patients to overcome it and not feel discriminated against.
AIDS may be it through therapies that use antiretroviral drugs that act at different stages of the life cycle of HIV.
According to one of the latest surveys of the World Health Organization, there are 39.5 million people infected with HIV in the world.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.