What is the Meaning & Definition of hope phone

The phone of hope is an entity of social assistance formed by volunteers who receive excellent training that provides the skills needed to answer a phone that never connects. I.e. this phone indicating his name as well has hope as essential help message, is a number of help to all those people who for whatever reason feel alone and want to share their sadness, concern or their suffering with a person can call.
In the effective communication of the Teléofno de la Esperanza, it gets special attention in the value of listening. I.e., those who call need to feel included in their pain and to do so, need to also feel heard.

Reinforcement of emotional health

The phone of hope is an NGO of social aid who performs an excellent job on the emotional health thanks to its work of advice and support through the totally selfless help to those people who are living a crisis situation. The phone of hope has headquarters in thirty cities in Spain. This NGO is also present in various countries of Latin America: Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.
He is a project that is in constant expansion since the aim is that every time you come to more people.
Before to answer the phone, volunteers receive prior training that enables them to respond in a positive way to the cases that may arise. The phone is organized so that volunteers cover the telephone attention during all the time by establishing a calendar of organization of tasks.

Confidence in the human being

One of the most important values that practice hope phone is confidence in the personal resilience of the human being who is able to overcome the difficulties of life and find strength to cope in moments of pain.
Respect for the suffering of the other power empathy to treat any conversation from absolute confidentiality and privacy. The phone of hope is one of the most important support services offering phone service every day of the year 24 hours a day. The phone of hope also offers courses on emotional training. For example, a workshop of self-esteem.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.