What is the Meaning & Definition of journeys of exploration

If you think about the idea of traveling, it comes to mind discover something different to our way of life. Currently trips are made with holiday intention, to enjoy our leisure time somewhere other than where you live.
When the Earth was a planet with large unknown extensions, some individuals had the curiosity to know those territories. They made voyages of exploration motivated by various reasons: Learn about new routes, out of curiosity, intellectual and scientific, to expand the domains of a country, for commercial reasons, or with the intention of overcoming a challenge.
The listing of the voyages of exploration would be very broad, but there are some that have a special value. Cristóbal Colón discovered the American continent in the 15th century. And in his time there were other great explorers: Pizarro, Magallanes, Elcano, Américo Vespucio... All of them were exploring new routes in America. The result of his travels had very different implications; both the political balance of the powers, on the economy, mentality and scientific advances.
The African continent had a great enigma: knowing the sources of the Nile, and was the Explorer Livingstone who discovered them. Both the North Pole and the South Pole are associated with three Explorers: Scott, Amundsen and Shackleton, who came to the ends of the planet still very rudimentary technical means.
Exploration trips attract attention because they are a conquest of humanity. Browsers are considered heroes, since they faced the unknown and assumed a high risk. It should not be forgotten that in the past the technical knowledge was limited and an exploration to new places meant to overcome all kinds of difficulties.
Each of the voyages of exploration has led to a greater mastery of the planet. In each adventure had a special motivation (e.g. travel of James Cook in the XVlll century sought to expand the influence of the British Empire). However, other aspects which were also relevant and that expanding the knowledge of mankind appeared: new languages, different traditions and a different way of understanding life.
The last voyage of exploration of special relief was in 1969 when astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins arrived in the moon. As man progresses because it poses new challenges, the next voyages of exploration will have to be somewhere in the universe.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.