What is the Meaning & Definition of reasonable

The term reasonable is a qualifying adjective that applies to people, situations or particular acts. The idea of reasonable just involves the use of reason as first action and is for this reason that an act or a reasonable person will be those that are carried out in a logical way, with use of reason. Many times, the attitude of reasonableness, i.e., of the use of reason, sets aside the emotional or the set of feelings that one can feel in specific circumstances. The reason is one of the few features that distinguish human beings from the rest of human beings. The reason is not more than the use of intelligence to an abstract level that allows the man to understand phenomena or situations more than their physical or somatic sensations. The reason therefore, opposes the emotion, the feeling, instinct, to the compulsive. This makes us see that if the reason is opposed to the instinctive or emotional, it will mean that it relies on an understanding or logical way that goes beyond the immediacy. Being reasonable is using reason, leave that space of sensations to try to determine abstractly what happens. Normally, the reasonable term is used in situations in which a person acts properly according to the social parameters. For example, it is reasonable that if a person needs help, another give it. It is reasonable that if you want to get a good job you should be trained and prepared to do this. It is reasonable to kill or injure a person is not a good thing. The lack of rationality makes people lose specifically that which sets us apart from the animals and recovered its status of wild or inability to abstract with respect to the environment that surrounds us.
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