What is the Meaning & Definition of recording

Recording appoints the action through which is collected or recorded images, sounds, data, normally making use of any device or machine, such is the case of a recorder, a camcorder, one camera, among others, who recorded them in a particular support for then can be reproduced. And also designates the word recording disc, film or magnetic tape which has been taken a picture, one sound, among others. Among the most commonly used synonyms for this reference we have video and disc.
It should be noted that since the most remote times man has had the need to register some issues linked to his life, his environment, chores, then when it so decides it can repeat them. Among the most primitive we have cave paintings, which were those drawings that our ancestors immortalized on the walls of caves and rocks, and thanks to them it was possible to learn more about the Customs and usages of the past.
On the other hand, the record through writing is another way of recording text.
But undoubtedly the advance in technology brought the years marked and expanded the possibility of recording events and any other matter that is wanted.
Today are multiple appliances and devices that we have at our fingertips to record sound and images: cell phones, digital cameras, computers, hand recorders, video cameras, among others.
In regards to the sound recording, there are two methodologies that are employed: analog recording (sound is captured and stored in analogue signals. It makes use of a magnetic tape, which is swept and printed her electromagnetic signals) and digital recording (in this, on the other hand, capture and storage is done with digital signals and used tapes, compact discs, hard disks of PCs). To be printed information in these stands, then, making use of them is possible to reproduce it.
The computerized or digital recording is great advantage the absence of noise, something that is more common in similar recordings.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.