What is the Meaning & Definition of sadness

The sadness term is used to refer to one of the most typical and basic human emotions or feelings. The sadness is characterized by generating feelings of uneasiness, anguish, worry and loss of energy or desire. Sadness, which can also be experienced in some sense by animals, is generated by different types of situations and the way in which each individual is affected by each situation is usually very particular: while a situation can generate feeling of sadness in someone, may not have the same effect on someone else.
Sadness is usually expressed through facial gestures in which the face takes a fall, lack of energy expression. Crying is also one of the most characteristic elements of sadness that it emerges as a near-instantaneous response to a situation of loss, pain, or dissatisfaction. Other ways in which a person shows his sadness are listlessness, i.e. lack of initiative to confront that reality that makes him sad, lack of appetite, concern, anxiety, stress, etc. Even though the sadness does not tend to generate physical sensations of acceleration such as tachycardia, yes you can do that the person loses all interest in what happens around.
Sadness is a State of mind as happiness may be momentary or sporadic depending on the type of situations that are live. In general, sadness appears when certain types of circumstances but, depending on each case, the person can eventually recover and move forward with his life. In those cases in which the person enters a circle of chronic sadness and reluctance, we should speak instead of sadness of a depressive state that involves more serious.
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