What is the Meaning & Definition of skill

The ability is innate aptitude, talent, skill or ability that holds a person to carry out, and of course with success, activity, work or profession. Almost all human beings, even those who see a drive problem or intellectual disabilities, among others, are distinguished by some kind of fitness.
Agree that not all individuals are equal in both, we come from the same side or we like the same, not all humans are the same skills for the same things and fortunately, thanks to this is that there is the diversification of tasks and jobs. So there are people who possess and demonstrate a propensity to develop physical skills, either because a formidable genetic, resilience that allows them to be and most importantly in this respect, have a particular talent, for example, a footballer who lives with a ball at the feet or as say figuratively, "tied to the feet" "making little game". This type of physical abilities, generally, are called skills. For current models of neural analysis, it is postulated that this usually innate physical ability requires empowerment through frequent practice to lead to the exploitation of a form of intelligence that differs from the conventional concept of that expression.
Then there are those who, for example, do not have these physical skills that characterize the practice of sports, but have an incredible capacity for numbers; by way of example, it is those individuals who consider easily many balls come in a bag, but not how to kick only one arc. This kind of skill with numbers and which require the intervention of formal intelligence, known them as skills. This intellectual power, as well as the physical skills, requires their empowerment and increased through implementation and training. Many subjects have a formidable potential for any of these areas, but insufficient implementation reduces the performance in a prominent way.
The skill or talent may also be in the hands of a person, for example, the seam is a talent. Meanwhile, the talents can be inherited: MOM Ana is an excellent seamstress, so Ana will have many chances of inheriting the ability to sew. It is also possible to learn a talent, but it is clear that, in this case and unlike what happens with people that they innately possess one, who learn to do something should always practice, because the lack of practice time causes forgetfulness.
It is worth to point out that certain skills are only acquired through learning. This case is represented by what is called engine program or, in technical terms, engram engine. The ability is the most characteristic example for driving a vehicle. With this goal, requires detailed coordination of all four members, vision, hearing, balance, intelligence and control of emotions. These tasks, at the same time, should amalgamate in the right amount and at the right time. After the initial practices who starts to lead, the ability to drive a motor vehicle is "recorded" in the form of neural circuits that practicality and automatic movements. Therefore, driving a vehicle is a skill that is not strictly a skill, a talent or a skill, but a conjunction of variables in which all these elements contribute to a greater or lesser degree. This is why some people never manage to handle, while others acquire the sufficient skill to drive a transport of passengers or a mobile competition.
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