What is the Meaning & Definition of steam

Vapor is the gaseous state taking on fluids as a result of the action of heat. The steam leaving the Guan made glasses goggles to fog me.
Also, steam we call with the State in which a gas is when it is below its critical temperature, while the gas, is the State of matter where molecules do not react together forming links but which on the contrary tend to repel each other, finally taking the shape of the container that contains them.
Noteworthy, then, that steam and gas are not the same; steam is a gas which can condense by pressurization (under the effect of constant temperature) or cooling (under constant pressure).
On the other hand, water vapor, is the gas obtained from the so-called process of boiling, the physical process from which all the mass of a liquid is transformed in a gaseous state, or failing that, by evaporation, which involves the same process but it can be specified at any temperature, while the entire mass of the fluid reaches the boiling point.
On the other hand, in antiquity, many boats were driven by steam engines, therefore, it is that the term steam began to be used to designate such vessels, for example, steam ships. This type of boat had air-cooled condensers of water or steam turbines, boilers, allowing them to move without being depending on currents or winds. The steam was vital at the time of the creation of transatlantic ships.
As a result of the development of diesel engines, which operate on the basis of the internal combustion of oil, this type of boat, today, has become obsolete.

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