What is the Meaning & Definition of stem

Botany calls stem that aerial part of plants and that holds the leaves, flowers or fruits that produce these.
Then, the main functions fulfilled by the stem are the support and transport of carbohydrates and other compounds, which occur during the process of photosynthesis (conversion of inorganic matter into organic due to the energy of the light), between the roots and the leaves.
Differences that presents the root connection on one side is the presence of knots in which are inserted the axillary buds and leaves, and on the other hand the negative geotropism that holds and makes to grow against gravity.
Among the variety of plants that exist, there are some species that have a single stem whose stem is not branched while there are others whose stem is branched in different ways.
Meanwhile, the stem is composed of three tissue systems: the dermal, fundamental and the vascular or fascicular.
Stems are classified from different points of view as being: by their habit in: ground or aerial (growing above the ground), hypogea or underground (those which grow under the ground such as bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes instead of the above), for his consistency: arable (those who never develop adult or secondary tissue which are soft and fragile (such as the Scape, cane, calamos, Twining and climbing) and Woody (are stiff and hard and green stems because they do not have chlorophyll, such as: shrubs, trees and Stipe; and structural modifications presented in: tendril stem, stem Thorn and stolon.)
On the other hand, photosynthetic stems are those who assumed the function of leaves and belong to the plants, which as a result of an Adaptive factor left to form sheets.
Note that many species of stems boast outstanding economic importance, especially because they provide food for humans, such is the case of potato, taro, sugarcane, asparagus, cinnamon, bamboo shoots and the heart of the Palm, among others.
And the brain stem, also known as the brain stem, is the union of the mesencephalon, annular extrusion and the medulla oblongata; It is the higher path of communication between the anterior brain, peripheral nerves and spinal cord and controls functions such as: respiration, regulation of heart rate and the initial aspects of the location of the sound.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.