What is the Meaning & Definition of subject

According to the context and the use that is him a the same, the word subject can refer issues.
One of the most widespread and that almost always appears first in the list when reference of this word is, is one who says that theme will be that proposition or text that is taken by subject or matter of a discourse.
General topic which develops a literary work, for example, love, violence, adolescence, i.e. what would be the main topic on which deals with and focus a particular work of art will be considered the same theme.
On the other hand, units of content which is divided the subject that makes up one career are known popularly as subjects. For example, in the history of culture, the second world war, Renaissance, romanticism, the war of the Peloponnesus, the cold war, among others, will be considered as subjects of this.
In addition, the Word theme is often used a lot to describe the musical composition of a band's music or artist, as a synonym for musical composition or song. For example, Miss You is one of the subjects that make up the vast repertoire of the The Rolling Stones rock group.
And finally, at the behest of the research that is carried out in a particular field of study, subject, will be the main thing that will occupy the researchers involved in the same.
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