What is the Meaning & Definition of Tambo

The term 'tambo' is a term in common use the countries from South America to refer to those rural establishments dedicated especially to the obtaining of the bovine milk and its processing to then transform it into human food. The tambos can be of varied size depending on the owners, being able to find family dairies and dairy industry with large number of cattle and facilities.
While tambo as rural settlement of feedstock production is closely linked to livestock in general, it is important to note that only certain types of cattle are used in this space for the production of milk. While cattle destined to the obtaining of meat can be very varied in regards to the species, the tambos are almost exclusively cows the Holando-Argentina, that which is characterized by a white fur with black spots.
The tambos consist of a number of basic facilities which may vary according to the size of the dairy farm in question. Basically we can point spaces such as the open fields where cows graze and spend most of the day, the tambo itself or space where they are milked the cows, processing and packaging of the product already obtained spaces. You may add to this usually a human living space where the tambo is the activity of the livelihoods of those who work there.
Today the tambos follow important legislation in what refers to the hygiene of their installations, testing and veterinary examinations to be performed to the cattle, to the rules of process and manipulation of raw material, etc. All of this has to do with ensuring that the product is reliable and acceptable human consumption standards.

Article contributed by the team of collaborators.