What is the Meaning & Definition of Taurus

Taurus is the name that is assigned to the second sign of the Zodiac and the constellation from which the sign also takes its name. Taurus Aries follows and is continued by Gemini. Its temporary location takes place from April 20 to May 21. Taurus is represented by a bull that always shows a strong, decisive and impressive image as it is usually the personality of people born under this sign.
Taurus is the fourth sign of the zodiac in the lunar year which we use in the West, the order of appearance is the second Zodiac, being the one that follows the first: Aries. Taurus is an Earth element and is directed by the planet Venus who also heads to pound. Also, Taurus is a sign fixed and introverted, as well as being also female. As it happens with all the zodiac signs, these elements are that make up a particular personality type, and in the case of Taurus we talk of people with an important, perhaps not always visible, but very strong character. The bullfighting (both men and women) are instinctive, impulsive, and possessive people not just with respect to material goods but also of other persons with whom they live. Many times taurine also may develop a lifestyle conservative and structured, strongly based on traditions and imposed structures.
In regards to the constellation, Taurus is the union of stars that form representing a head of Bull with two horns. This constellation is visible in some moments of the year, especially in September and October. The figure of the Bull is considered in the mythology of a very old bull that can representing also different mythical figures such as Zeus to demonstrate its importance and power.
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