What is the Meaning & Definition of temptation

Can you describe the temptation as the object of desire of a person, I usually involving certain negative elements due to the possible ban or restricted access that is about the same. A temptation can also be generated by acts or actions, not only by objects, and in this sense the temptation usually is related to improper acts scheduled socially, as certain sex, food, or ethical conduct.
The link with the forbidden
The temptation is a complex sensation that imply the existence of an important desire access to that which is forbidden. Precisely, the prohibitive character bearing some of the objects, people, actions or acts is what awakens to the temptation and in this sense is that temptation can become a certainly dangerous attitude resulting in the majority of cases in feelings of guilt once the individual gave or transgressed that desire.
What is forbidden, and thus the temptation will be too, is linked with the danger and is precisely that combo of danger-forbidden what attracts some people who just are more permeable to these issues.
Forbidden love and relationships, to mention one of the most common examples are great temptations in which people committed to someone or something usually fall in their lives.
However, once it transcends the temptation it is usual that the person rendered a sense of guilt which will be difficult to overcome. Not all act similarly to blame, there are some who decide to confess his action thus feel relieved and less obviously guilty but there are also others who cannot do so for fear that got lost and then decide to fall on the lie, something that will also fill them with remorse and more feelings of guilt.
The opposite behavior, that can remain immune to the temptation, requires in all cases a significant share of willpower and consciousness. By this we mean that when someone presents a temptation of some kind you will have to invest much value and effort to not fall in front of it. It is usually difficult to not give in to it, but it can also happen that he has avoided succumbing to the same but return the individual feels sad, depressed.
The temptation in religion
The theme of temptation has been approached by the Christian religion which has a connotation highly negative as consequence which always mobilizes the person to act in a way that is impulsive, close to sin and counter many times what proposes faith Catholic. Because surely that action in which one is tempted will be very pleasant at the moment present but immediately after it can trigger a problem or damage to one's self or others.
According to what they believed and has been responsible for spreading the tradition Christian in this sense is Satan who is involved with all their cunning and wickedness to induce the man to temptation and therefore sin in its heyday.
According to the biblical tradition, the temptation is one of the first mistakes where the fall Adam and Eve as representatives of mankind to accept the Apple forbidden part of the malicious snake he shared with them the paradise. The temptation is then designated as an element of weakness before a possible desire for something forbidden, although you could also say that the temptation is specifically the time prior to the obtaining of that forbidden element or to the realization of the Act in question.
The temptation as a social phenomenon has always had different modes to be represented throughout history. In this sense, current societies establish certain tantalizing elements that may be related to attitudes or specific practices of the time, while many of them related with consumerism and the unrestrained acquisition of goods. The temptation, in addition, relates largely today eating habits since awareness of different types of foods generates certain prohibitions on those meals more greasy which are, in general, the more tasty and delicious for many people.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.