What is the Meaning & Definition of threshold

According to the context in which will use it, the term threshold may refer issues...

Entry or beginning of any question that begins

In its broadest sense, the threshold may cover the entrance or the beginning of any question that begins, for example, "we are now on the threshold of a new year;" "the imminent completion of the race makes me on the threshold of a new stage".

Bottom which is located opposite to the lintel of a door opening

The other use is to refer to the bottom, which is located opposite to the lintel of a door opening.
Meanwhile, at the behest of the architecture, the threshold is also a formal reference that says that it is that madero traversing atop a span with the aim of holding the wall which is above. The threshold is one of the most common parts of a building as a House.

Minimum value from which begin to be noticeable effects of any physical agent or system

And the other applications that the word is the minimum value from which begin to be noticeable effects of any physical agent or a system. Our senses have a minimum sensitivity level and this we call threshold.
For example, the threshold light, which is the minimum amount of light that can capture the human eye in complete darkness. Then, the threshold is the minimum amount of stimulus in the land of odds, which has a 50 percent chance of being detected.
The sound threshold is the minimum intensity of sound that a human ear is capable of hearing. Of course that this threshold is not equal in everyone but we all have a minimum level in this regard.
Something similar happens with the pain threshold, we all have a minimum level which received stimulus awakens us the sensation of pain. But of course, this threshold varies from person to person... There will be those who feel the blood collection needle and feel Supreme pain do not withstand, while there are others who feel nothing in that same situation.

Those things or situations that have a value or less

In addition, the term is recurrently used in colloquial language when you want to give an account of those things or situations that have a value, or fewer, for example, "Juan has a low threshold of patience, so avoid doing so angry".

Poverty threshold: minimum income needed for a person to have a proper standard of living, and not be considered poor

On the other hand, the term is used in economics and statistics in this sense to form a concept of recurrent use in these areas, the poverty line.
The poverty threshold is the level of minimum income needed for a person to have a proper standard of living, and not be considered poor. This threshold is usually run at levels higher in the more developed countries while the opposite happens in less developed countries, where of course, poverty is Cystic and is more widespread.
As this threshold is determined from the realization of a forecast anything essential that needs a person to live in an agreeable manner during a calendar year. When the money that the person perceives fails to meet these demands is considered to be the person below the poverty line.

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