What is the Meaning & Definition of time

Time is called a measure carried out on the changes that occur in the universe. This concept has been widely debated in various areas of human knowledge, always leaving room for more reflections. Thus, since ancient times philosophy has doomed various postures to the analysis of this topical, and now closer to our time, physics, has done so with much honesty especially from the theory of relativity.
The first question that must be made is that time is far from being a direct experience, or to say it with more property, there is an "object" called time which can be considered by itself. What can be observed is that the universe changes, i.e. keeping a distinction with respect to itself, a difference. Abstract quantification of the difference and that change is what we call time.
If we take a look at the cultures of the past we see that that task to quantify or measure the time is present in all of them through calendars that, in some cases, achieved a high degree of accuracy; These were made usually from changes in the sky, more specifically, from the variations of the stars.
In the field of physics Isaac Newton, one of the most important in dealing with the problem of time scientists is from an absolute conception of this related to the philosophy of Kant. Thus, from this assessment of the time, this is similar to two or more observers.
Another physicist's popularity which dealt with the question of time is Albert Einstein. Unlike classical mechanics founded by Newton, the postulates of Einstein realize a time relative and dependent on the observer. This approach has revolutionized evident to science.
Needless to say that in addition to the speculation will continue and add ingredients to this theme that has always inspired the imagination of obviously.

Article contributed by the team of collaborators.