What is the Meaning & Definition of Tinnitus

It is known as tinnitus to a high-pitched sound like a whistle, beep or buzz that is perceived in the ears in the absence of stimulus. When this sound is serious and high-intensity is called tinnitus. Tinnitus can affect one or both ears and be episodic or be constant, generally stuns and affects the quality of life who suffers it hindering him in addition to sleep.

The ringing in the ears can accompany several auditory disorders

Tinnitus usually occurs in conditions causing congestion ear or obstruction of the duct. It can occur when there is a plug of wax, inflammation of the eardrum, congestion by accumulation of secretions in patients with colds or respiratory infections such as rhinitis, sinusitis and even the otitis.
Some disorders of the inner ear can be accompanied also by tinnitus as happens in the case of Meniere's disease, disorders characterized by the presence of dizziness and ringing in the ears or more complex disorders such as stroke of the brain stem or the presence of tumors in the ear.

Use headphones incorrectly can cause tinnitus

Acoustic trauma is a condition that occurs in people subjected to noisy environments without adequate protection, or the prolonged use of headphones or stay near the loud horns.
These conditions produce a condition known as acoustic trauma, accompanied by the annoying hum that produce tinnitus and hearing loss.
These lesions are irreversible and the measures to be used as object prevent further damage hearing.

Tips for coping with tinnitus

Once discarded the causes of tinnitus can be treated, it is possible that this persists without apparent reason or by a non-treatable cause, in the latter cases, it is necessary to adopt a series of measures which reduce the perception of noise or conceal it, among which are:
-Reduce consumption of stimulants such as coffee, tea, cigarette and alcoholic beverages.
-Monitoring and controlling blood pressure levels.
-Implement techniques of relaxation.
-Listen to soft music at night before sleeping, this distracts the attention of the noise and helps to fall asleep.
-Have lighted appliances such as radio and television that originate at low volume background noise during the day.
-Avoid the use of hearing aids or exposure to intense noise sources as this can aggravate your tinnitus.

Article contributed by the team of collaborators.