What is the Meaning & Definition of titanium

Titanium is an element of nature, specifically a transition metal (transition metals are good conductors of heat and electricity). Ti is the chemical symbol of titanium in the periodic table, atomic number is 22 zahl, atomic mass is 47,90 g/mol and its level of oxidation is 4.

Characteristics of titanium

Titanium in Compact State is a bluish-white, bright, hard but very brittle metal if it is subjected to the cold. It is a very malleable and ductile metal. Pure titanium is soluble in hot water and insoluble in cold water. Titanium reacts with oxygen to 610 Celsius to form titanium dioxide and nitrogen at 800 Celsius and forms Titanium Nitride. As a curiosity we must remember that Titanium is the ninth element that is most abundant in the Earth's crust and is usually mixed with other rocks. It is a very corrosion-resistant metal and has an exceptional lightness.

Its discovery

At the end of XVlll century science and, in particular, the mineralogy lived a moment of boiling. In this context, the English cleric William Gregor met a white powder after calcined ilmenite. The residue she discovered was a metal oxide and initially received the name of manaccanita. In principle, the discovery of a new metal was not assessed as an important finding.
However, a few years later the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth resumed investigations and considered that the name was not suitable, so he decided to call the titanium metal, in honor of the mythical Titans of Greek mythology. In this sense, the chemical properties of this metal remembered the physical strength of some deities representing the various forces of nature (Cronos, Ocean, Tethys or Rea,) among other Titans.

Applications that you see based on this element

The unique characteristics of titanium make it a very appreciated in different industries metal. It is used in thermal power stations because of its high conductivity in power transmission. Its lightness is valued in the automotive industry and in this sense this metal allows that some vehicles are not so heavy.
In the manufacture of weapons used as material in the aeronautical industry and shielding is used for its high resistance to high temperatures. Its usefulness is extended to various fields: watchmaking, equipment in all types of utensils or as a decorative element.

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