What is the Meaning & Definition of turbulence

Through the word turbulence can refer the cloudy or turbulent quality that something or someone. Meanwhile, something shady will be that which stands out for its lack of clarity and confusion which proposes.
Another use that has the word turbulence allows us to give an account of the riot, confusion or disturbance that causes any situation. Unfortunately, we are still organizing, the turbulence that left in its wake tsunami were tremendous.
And in physics, turbulence is the extension in which a fluid is a turbulent movement.
Then, at the behest of the fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is a flow regime characterized by low diffusion, high convection and space temporary rapid changes of pressure and speed.
On the contrary, those not turbulent flows are called flows laminar, they are characterized by their perfect order, soft, moving as if they were parallel blades that do not mix with the currents between two parallel. For example, water flow on a single body that features a soft as the sphere of geometric configuration, when you are at a low speed, its kind of flow is laminar, whereas as the speed is increasing become a turbulent fluid.
Most of the fluids we have opportunity to observe in nature are turbulent; Although they can be easily detected, normally, the scientists are guided by certain characteristics that usually appear such as: unpredictability, wide spectrum and broadcasting.
On the other hand, in meteorology, atmospheric turbulence is the agitation of the atmosphere that is observed in a very close to the ground layer and that has varying thickness. There is a sudden change in the direction and intensity of wind in a short distance and vertical.
Depending on the causes that provoke them we find the following turbulence: mechanical turbulence (some obstacles such as buildings, uneven ground and trees are involved in the normal flow of the wind), convective turbulence (quite common phenomenon during the hours of the day with good weather; it can be taken for the passage of air cold on hot air masses or when the effect of solar radiation by warm air masses) and frontal turbulence (cold front that moves very fast).

Article contributed by the team of collaborators.